For The First Time, We Can Make a Difference

This past week, we have seen the world return war, in a way we hoped would never resurface.

On Erev Shabbos, Rabbanim in Ukraine told their community that they should violate Shabbos in order to get out of the country. It's a frightening thought that takes us back to questions the were posed to Gedolim in Europe decades and centuries ago.

But not everything is the same. There is one thing that is fundamentally different this time:

Sivan Rahav Meir posted this incredible story:

Natan Sharansky spoke at a Sheva Brachot gathering in honor of the wedding of Benaya and Neta Dickstein. Benaya's parents, Yossi and Chanah, were murdered in a terrorist attack when he was seven years old. It's too bad that only those in attendance heard Sharansky, the famous prisoner of Zion, speak as follows:

“When I was growing up in Ukraine, in Donetsk, there were many nations and nationalities. There were those with identity papers that read 'Russian,' 'Ukrainian,' 'Georgian,' or 'Kozak.' This was not so important since there was not much difference between them. The single designation that stood out was 'Jew.' If that was written as your identity, it was as if you had a disease.

“We knew nothing about Judaism. There was nothing significant about our Jewish identity other than the anti-Semitism, hatred, and discriminatory treatment we experienced because of it. When it came to a university application, for example, no one tried to change his designation from 'Russian' to 'Ukrainian' because it did not matter. However, if you could change your designation of 'Jew,' it substantially improved your chances of university admission.

“This week, I was reminded of those days when I saw thousands of people standing at the borders of Ukraine trying to escape. They are standing there day and night and there is only one word that can help them get out: 'Jew.' If you are a Jew, there are Jews outside who care about and are waiting for you. There is someone on the other side of the border who is searching for you. Your chances of leaving are excellent.

“The world has changed. When I was a child, 'Jew' was an unfortunate designation. No one envied us. But today on the Ukrainian border, identifying as a Jew is a most fortunate circumstance. It describes those who have a place to go, where their family, an entire nation, is waiting for them on the other side.”

For the first time in Jewish history, we are not caught in between the wars of other nations. Our people in Ukraine have the possibility and the resources to escape. We have a homeland to run to, and brothers and sisters around the world who can and do help. We, here in Boca, can make a difference, and those who have means to help contribute to the rescue of Acheinu Beis Yisroel should absolutely do so. I'll be happy to help you direct those funds.

But I want to understand, deeply, how it is that we have this power today, when we never had it before. The secret is hidden in a Chizkuni in Parshas Beshalach. When Moshe tells Yeshoshua to choose people to fight against Amalek, there is a specific group of people that he knows will win the war: People born in the month of Adar Sheni.

בחר לנו אנשים – שנולדו באדר השני ואין להם לירא ממכשפות שהרי אין בו מזל, ובני עמלק מכשפנים הם, ויש להם יכולת בי״ב מזלות, ובעת שאין בו מזל אין כשוף מצליח.

The Bnei Yissachar (אדר מאמר ד׳ אות י״א) explains:

The system of this world operates with the laws of nature – the constellation/Mazalos. These can be exploited, perverted and harnessed for evil. But we have the power to exist beyond that. We can declare another month: Adar Sheni. This month is outside the natural order. We chose it; and by doing so we declare that we are not bound by the powers of the world. We can escape.

Amalek represents the world of randomness, nature and determinism. But Adar Sheni is the proof that we can overcome any and all the circumstances in our life.

My dear friends, we are living in the generation of Adar Sheni. We are Adar Sheni Jews. There's a escape hatch from the insanity of the world – All we need to do is say “I am a Jew!”, and the Master of All Worlds will schlep us out to the world of Nisan, the real redemption.

Hashem, we need Your help. Our brothers and sisters need Your help. Please give us the strength to be Adar Sheni Jews this Shabbos, this month, this year.